Lente Evenement 2020

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SPRING A Loading Screen 1.jpg

'Verzamel lantaarns en gebruik ze om origami dieren te verzamelen.

Win upgradekits om jouw Hanami-brug te upgraden tot een prachtige tuin voor jouw inwoners'

Allage hanako large 300px.png

Hoe doe ik mee aan het Lente Evenement??


The Cherry Blossom Festival makes its return in the Spring Event. Your citizens all flock to the parks, to witness the joy of Cherry Blossoms blooming!

Collect Spring Lanterns by completing quests in the Spring questline. After the main questline is solved, additional daily quests will be available. You will also receive some lanterns for logging in every day. You will find Cherry Trees spawn in your city's surroundings from time to time. Click on these trees to gather more Lanterns:


Cherry Trees in the 2020 Spring Event work the same as Incidents within your city. What this means is that there is a chance every day of between 10-15 Incidents spawning in your city, and some of these may spawn as Cherry Trees. However, this isn't guaranteed, and Cherry Trees shouldn't be relied on, but simply a little extra bonus for when you do find them!

Use the Spring Lanterns to guide the Frog across the pond by selecting one of three lily pads to jump to. There will be an origami animal sitting on top of each lily pad. Each animal that you collect will offer you a different selection of rewards. Each of the individual animals provides the chance to win the Daily Special, which will refresh every 24 hours with something new. With each jump, you move closer to the coveted Grand Prize:



Cross ponds to move up in the League Table. You are competing against other players, so if you stop playing, you could find yourself falling back down to lower leagues! At the end of the event, the top players will be rewarded with extra special prizes! You move up the league for every full pond crossed. This means that an element of strategy must be employed! Do you go for the origami animals with the individual rewards you seek, or for the one which progresses you across the pond? It's up to you!

Spring Leagues.jpg

But be aware, other players may want to also get into the higher ranks, but only a certain amount of players can stay there. Be sure to help your Frog progress in order to not fall in the ranks.


Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Spring Event. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.

Rookie Reward
Rookie League
Amateur Reward
Amateur League
Bronze Reward
Bronze League
Small fp.png 10 Forge Points
Small fp.png 20 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Small fp.png 50 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20a.png 1 Sentinel Outpost lvl. 1

Silver Reward
Silver League
Small fp.png 100 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 Sentinel Outpost lvl. 2

1 Hanami Upgrade Kit
Gold Reward
Gold League

Small fp.png 200 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 Sentinel Outpost lvl. 2

2 Hanami Upgrade Kit

Bestand:Portrait 366.png 1 Portrait of Kikuko

Lente Evenement Missiereeks

There are 62 quests in total to aid your progress. 41 rush quests, and then a further 21 Daily quests! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 6, 22, 41, 50 & 62 quests!

Questline window.jpg

Lente Evenement Beloningen


De Hanami-brug

With the Spring Event of 2020 The Hanami Bridge is the new Grand Prize to win. Like in our usual chest events, upgrade kits for the main event reward building will not be available in the daily special, so be sure to upgrade it to the max before the event is over. The Hanami Bridge can be upgraded to level 8 and has a size of 4x6. The higher it is upgraded, the more and better bonuses it delivers. From levels 1 to 7, this building provides Happiness, Population, Coins, Medals, Forge Points and Goods. Once you reach level 8, you'll be able to choose between two final looks for your bridge.

SPRING B Loading Screen 1.jpg

You can choose between the Mikawa Bridge or Mikoto Bridge, and each unique bridge also offers unique rewards. To upgrade your Hanami bridge, you will need its Upgrade Kit (Bestand:Smallupkit-spring.png).


Hanami Bridge - Lv. 1

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 2

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 3

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 4

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 5

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 6

Hanami Bridge - Lv. 7

Once your Hanami Bridge is at level 7, you will be given two choices on how you want to proceed. When using your next upgade kit, you're presented with the option of transforming your Hanami Bridge in to an Mikawa Bridge or Mikoto Bridge.


Mikawa Bridge

Mikoto Bridge
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon happiness.png Icon happiness.png
If motivated
Icon medal.png
Icon medal.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Small goods.png
Small goods.png

Lente Evenement Avatars

There are three avatars which can be obtained during the Spring Event questline.

Yoshiro Yoshiro Mayumi Mayumi Kikuko Kikuko

Vorige Lente Evenementen

R SS MultiAge SpringBonus17f.png
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